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UBB.Threads v7.3.1 Changelog · Wiki

Bug Fixes

• Changed the up/down arrow indicators on all permission editor screens to graphics since the textual representation for these were not working on all systems.
• Added the option for Global Moderators to receive notifies under their My Preferences settings.
• Put in a check into the donotify script to make sure that these are only sent to Active Admins or Global Moderators.
• Fixed an issue where a blank forum would display at the bottom of a list of subforums.
• Fixed a problem with rows not alternating colors properly for guests/bots.
• Fixed an issue with the style changer while looking at a forum.
• Fixed a sql error with approving topics using the Inline Moderation Tool.
• Fixed a potential issue where a blank file attachment would lead to the directory permissions being changed on gallery folders.
• Fixed an issue when deleting a file attachment it would tell you that you were over the limit of allowed file attachments.
• Fixed a pagination issue on postlist/viewmessages when the number of posts was the exact multiple of set posts per page.
• Fixed an issue where some browsers were not redirecting to new posts/private messages properly.
• When User Moods were disabled, individual posts would still show the last mood selected by that user, instead of the default offline/online indicators.
• When adding a new post to your Watched Topics, the spyglass icon wasn't showing properly on the topic list page.
• When email verification was turned on, admins would get the wrong user info when being notified of a new user via email.
• Moderator name colors were not being displayed properly in threaded mode.
• Added the tmp directory to the permission checker in the control panel.
• When a member is permanently banned, it wouldn't show the length of the ban when viewing their profile at a later date.
• Moderators will again get the "Edit User" link when viewing a user profile if they have permission to Edit Users.
• Moderators will again be able to approve posts via the control panel if they can approve posts in any forum.
• Mass emails and Notes on individual post mailings weren't preserving formatting via linebreaks.
• The language selector at the bottom was showing the directory name and not the actual name chosen for each language.
• Hovering over some text and choosing a color in the text editor would erase the text in IE.
• Previewing a style as a guest user was not working properly.
• Fixed an issue where the shoutbox would stop refreshing for a user if they tried to post an empty shout.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 2nd, 2014
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