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Install Guide · Article

Before you install UBB.threads we recommend that you browse the Pre-Installation Checklist and test your server with the UBB.threads System Requirement Test. This guide will provide information required for your install (system requirements and basic getting started information).

Our parent organization VNC Web Services offers Installation and Maintenance Services so that you can minimize any possible downtime.

Users on a CDN (Content Delivery Network) who are attempting to install or upgrade their forums should temporarily disable (or put their site in a "Development" or equivelant mode) their CDN until the install or upgrade has fully completed, as most CDN providers insert additional coding into pages which can cause inconsistencies in the installer/upgrade utility.

Once you're ready to begin your install, we recommend that you follow the steps for Uploading the Software Files for information on extracting the install archive, getting the UBB.threads files onto your server, and setting the correct permissions on your files. These steps will cover both Windows and Linux servers.

Next you'll want to follow the steps for Configuring the Software Files; these steps cover running through the installation steps, validating permissions, and the basic configuration steps that the installer will run through.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 5th, 2014 · Updated on February 18th, 2017
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